Sony launched two tablets - Tablet S and Tablet P - in the Indian market, priced at Rs 29,990 and Rs 36,990 respectively. Both Sony tablets are built around a 1 GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 processor.
The Tablet S is wedge-shaped, with one side thicker than the other. The shape mimics that of a magazine that's been folded over
The Tablet S is optimized for rich media entertainment on its 9.4-inch 1,280 by 800-pixel capacitive touchscreen display, and sports 1 GB of RAM, 16 or 32 GB of onboard flash storage
Sony said the S tablet is unique because of a universal remote inside the computer that can be used to control stereos, cable television boxes and TV sets
With a powerful mobile processor, the Tablet S device lets you enjoy the web as well as your favorite content and applications on its large, high-resolution screen
The Tablet S' unique asymmetric design allows for hours of comfortable use and built-in Wi-Fi compatibility means Internet connectivity virtually anywhere there's a hotspot
The Tablet P aims to be more portable, featuring a unique folding design with two 5.5-inch displays and a total weight of 372 grams
Sony's tablet P, comes with 4 GB of memory and looks like a clutch purse
When used for reading, the tablet P can be held vertically to show one page on each screen. When writing an email, the upper screen can be used to show the message while the lower can be used as a keyboard
Sony's tablets tap its entertainment library by offering music and movies services, which should give it an edge over rivals. (Image courtesy: Sony)
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