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Friday, January 27, 2012

MegaUpload Case Continues

According to the latest media reports, New Zealand’s court of law has delayed the decision of granting or denying bail to Kim Dotcom. Meanwhile, two more site administrators were arrested in Europe. The prosecutor issued a statement, saying that Dotcom’s multiple identities, coupled with 4 dozen credit cards and a record of “fleeing criminal charges” indicate a flight risk “on the extreme end of the scale”.


So, Kim Dotcom, the founder of well-known file-hosting service MegaUpload, was denied bail in an extradition hearing in New Zealand. Dotcom has been raided by 76 armed police in helicopters, and is currently wanted in the US, along with the other MegaUpload operators for racketeering, copyright violation and money laundering charges.

Today Dotcom reappeared in court to deny charges of copyright violation and money laundering, saying that he was a victim of an elaborate campaign that was launched in purpose to put him in the worst position. Dotcom’s attorney spoke at the North Shore District Court in Auckland hearing, claiming that Kim had been conducting a business supporting storage for online users and had nothing to do with any criminal activities.

However, the prosecution insisted that Dotcom’s collection of credit cards and impressing financial resources were making him liable of fleeing. Dotcom replied that he was only collecting credit cards, and many of those had already expired. The prosecutor didn’t seem convinced with that, emphasizing that the defendant’s resources, multiple identities, multiple passports and a record of fleeing criminal charges indicated a flight risk.

As a result, the judge delayed the decision because of the complex nature of the case.
As the entire world could see, Dotcom’s arrest came after a massive drop of support for new anti-piracy bills SOPA and PIPA, not just from lawmakers, but rather from a lot of firms that, under the pressure, eventually refused to support. Nevertheless, there are still many supporters of the legislation, including companies affiliated with the Business Software Alliance.

Meanwhile, in Europe a couple of MegaUpload operators got arrested. The media reports revealed that they were graphics designer from Slovakia and programmer and head of the development from Estonia.

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