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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Europe Will Free Up 800 MHz Spectrum

The European Union has required that all member states free up radio frequencies at 800 MHz by the next year in order to ensure a comprehensive rollout of high speed mobile broadband.

Within the frames of the radio spectrum policy program, the EU announced that all members would be demanded to have certain spectrum bands available for 4G services, and therefore need to get a move on. The European Union claims that it will be a boost for business in the region, which allows mobile users to freely move between various countries.

If you didn’t know before, radio spectrum is used by a range of appliances like cell phones and remote controls, running from 9HHz up to 300 GHz. Meanwhile, there are specific frequencies set aside for use with 4G connections, and one of the main bands to be freed up to rollout high speed broadband is at the 800 MHz range. The problem is that it’s the frequency at which analogue television signals have been broadcast, so a big push is set to make sure they won’t interfere.

The member states will have to comply with European Union’s requirements and free up the spectrum by the start of 2013. The EU admitted that a lot of member states are yet to do so, anticipating the switching off of analogue signal in 2012 in order to ensure spectrum is free.

In the United Kingdom, for example, Ofcom is already conducting the allocation of spectrum that has been freed up for use in the 800 MHz range, but the analogue signal hasn’t yet been switched off thus far. A Culture, Media and Sports committee in the United Kingdom last year emphasized the importance of EU-wide compliance. The outfit claimed that the spectrum in question is crucial for mobile operators, because it allows consumers to cross international borders while maintaining mobile coverage. Broadband experts confirm that unified access to 800 MHz will benefit business in the EU. The government has also recognized that telecoms holds the key to business growth in the EU, while its goal is to ensure that members are pioneers in mobile broadband and are providing their citizens with the fastest speeds throughout the globe.

The expectations are that if all member states adopt this initiative, mobile web users travelling within Europe will enjoy considerable improvements in their online experiences.

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