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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Canadian Indie Producers Support Piracy

After a media conference started last week in Ottawa, Canada, independent producers came to a conclusion that piracy could actually help their business, because it opens a whole new market for their works.

Prime Time, arranged by the Canadian Media Production Association, is the annual meeting of the largest Canadian independent producers, where they discuss piracy issues and future plans. This year, Gavin McGarry, president at Jumpwire Media, said that digital piracy is in fact helping new companies by offering an innovative business model.

He said that today the industry is really coming to a place where illegal file-sharing is actually doing what it’s supposed to do: opening new markets, taking the music business to new places, and helping start big businesses for new and emerging companies, as well as for some of the country’s leading content providers. At the same time, a digital media consultant and founder of General Creativity said to the panel titled “The Ins and Outs of Illegal Downloading” that the music industry can effortlessly avoid copyright violation by changing the prices of its products. He believes that if they make their works available, this part of the problem will go away. This point of view is shared by former executive editor of Billboard, who confirmed that only by facilitating access to the works, instead of denying it, money can start flowing. He pointed out that he isn’t creating blocks between his works and the consumers, but rather putting in a toll booth between them.

The participants in the Prime Time also advised the largest studio producers to accept and promote innovation instead of embracing litigation and faulty copyright law. Such sensitive subject was brought into attention that of digital giants such as Facebook and Google who are constantly targeting traditional audience, turning the television into a usable instrument for the digital space, which can completely change the rules. Indeed, today TV is turning into an application. It is regarded by many as just another app which runs on someone else’s platform. However, Google isn’t stopping – it bought Motorola and is building expertise in the real-time insertion of advertising. It seems that it is moving into display.

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