Apparently, the judge is asking for more evidence to make a right decision on the question of what should happen to the data seized by the authorities from MegaUpload’s users. Fortunately, before making a final decision over the large amount of information that belongs to the former users of the cyberlocker MegaUpload, an American federal judge has requested more details in order to help him resolve the problem.
Actually, judge Liam O’Grady decided to hold another hearing in a bid to help him make a final decision because of The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), who filled a motion seven months ago on behalf of Kyle Goodwin. The latter is a sports reporter from Ohio, who wanted to get his content back, which he used to store on MegaUpload servers. The reporter lost all his content when the cyberlocker was closed down by the US authorities at the beginning of 2012 due to the charges of copyright violation.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filled the motion to ask the judge to find a solution which could help people, who legitimately hold the rights to the content they had stored on the cyberlocker’s servers, get their data back. At the moment, all the files are still held by Carpathia Hosting, the MegaUpload’s hosting provider in the United States.
The attorneys of Kim Dotcom and his file-sharing portal have already spoken in favor of the files being returned to their legitimate owners. Now they are going to ask the court once again to allow a special appearance of the cyberlocker which would be relevant in determining the destiny of the content claimed to be legal. At the moment, there’s a motion before the court arguing that the United States doesn’t even have jurisdiction over the portal, because it was a Hong Kong based entity.
Actually, judge Liam O’Grady decided to hold another hearing in a bid to help him make a final decision because of The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), who filled a motion seven months ago on behalf of Kyle Goodwin. The latter is a sports reporter from Ohio, who wanted to get his content back, which he used to store on MegaUpload servers. The reporter lost all his content when the cyberlocker was closed down by the US authorities at the beginning of 2012 due to the charges of copyright violation.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filled the motion to ask the judge to find a solution which could help people, who legitimately hold the rights to the content they had stored on the cyberlocker’s servers, get their data back. At the moment, all the files are still held by Carpathia Hosting, the MegaUpload’s hosting provider in the United States.
The attorneys of Kim Dotcom and his file-sharing portal have already spoken in favor of the files being returned to their legitimate owners. Now they are going to ask the court once again to allow a special appearance of the cyberlocker which would be relevant in determining the destiny of the content claimed to be legal. At the moment, there’s a motion before the court arguing that the United States doesn’t even have jurisdiction over the portal, because it was a Hong Kong based entity.
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