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Monday, June 11, 2012

Legitimate Alternative Won’t Stop Pirates

The entertainment industry disagrees with the studies saying that the more legitimate content there is available, at a reasonable price, the less likely people are to pirate.

AFACT (Australia’s Federation Against Copyright Theft) claimed that people won’t stop to illegally download copyrighted content even if they have local, legal access to the same content. The movie industry group claimed that piracy was inevitable and therefore the country needed to change the law to discourage it. The suggestions were that people may be drawn to piracy if films or TV shows screened later in the country than in the US. A good example to prove this was popular TV series Game of Thrones, which was heavily pirated in Australia.

The matter is that the consumers no longer want to wait for the show to air a week after the United States, and the anti-piracy outfit believed it unreasonable that pirates were unwilling to wait. It was claimed that there were legitimate services, and discussions around further availability; however, content pirates would be still engaged in unauthorized downloading as it’s free.

One of the unreleased researches commissioned by the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation (IPAF) revealed that 86% of persistent infringers and 74% of casual infringers pirated because of cost. Over 75% of them knew about legitimate downloading services.

It seems that the cost of legal content is the main issue in places with low salaries where the cost of the product isn’t adjusted. Meanwhile, IPAF supports AFACT and the federation’s American sponsor, the MPAA, on its board of members among other copyright owners. That’s the people consistently overstating the cost of piracy to business.

Anti-piracy outfit argued that the legislation hadn’t kept up with the rapid cycle of technological change. Although a lot of people might agree with that, the argument of the entertainment industry that governments should lock up people on the flimsiest of evidence without making any changes to its business model is bogus as well.

However, the studios are recommended to release popular programs worldwide at the same time instead of releasing them in different places. If this is impossible, the industry should accept that the content will be pirated. In addition, instead of releasing material at a single price it needs to look at regional pricing and manage it with language dubbing. 

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