Sony's much awaited SmartWatch will finally be launched in India by the end of June. Priced at Rs 6299, the SmartWatch is designed for savvy, on-the-go multi-taskers who want more than just the time attached to their wrist.
A man displays a Sony SmartWatch during a presentation at the Mobile World Congress on February 28, 2012 in Barcelona. The 2012 Mobile World Congress, the world's biggest mobile fair, is held from February 27 to March 1 in Barcelona.
A man displays a Sony SmartWatch conected to a Sony mobile phone during a presentation at the Mobile World Congress on February 28, 2012 in Barcelona. The 2012 Mobile World Congress, the world's biggest mobile fair, is held from February 27 to March 1 in Barcelona.
Sony's much awaited SmartWatch will finally be launched in India by the end of June. Priced at Rs 6299, the SmartWatch is designed for savvy, on-the-go multi-taskers who want more than just the time attached to their wrist.
The SmartWatch extends the power of Android smartphones by sending timely and personal information from your smartphone straight to your wrist.
The SmartWatch incorporates a variety of dynamic software and applications that will give users instant access to messages, emails, Facebook and Twitter status updates
The SmartWatch connects to Android smartphones via Bluetooth giving you the ability to control key functions without removing your smartphone
With just a tap, touch, and swipe, SmartWatch turns from a watch displaying the time to a remote information center for your Android smartphone.
Water and dust resistant, the glossy-smooth touch screen simplifies the browsing process and allows you to catch up on what is trending faster than ever
Users can download apps through Google Play - including those for social updates, workouts and music – all customized for the 1.3-inch OLED SmartWatch touch screen
SmartWatch's design includes a rear mounted clip, so it can be removed from the wristband and attached to clothing or a belt
Key features of the SmartWatch:
Dimensions: 1.42 X 1.42 X 0.3 in
Display: 1.3" OLED display, 128 x 128 pixels
Compatibility: Bluetooth™ 3.0 and Android 2.1 or above
Connectivity: Standard USB charging
Battery life: Up to 4 days
Dimensions: 1.42 X 1.42 X 0.3 in
Display: 1.3" OLED display, 128 x 128 pixels
Compatibility: Bluetooth™ 3.0 and Android 2.1 or above
Connectivity: Standard USB charging
Battery life: Up to 4 days
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