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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pirate Party Went Into German Politics

The creative industry might be tearing at its hair and stamping on its rabbits after learning the latest news that the Pirate Party is currently an important political force in Germany.


The Pirate Party of Germany somehow managed to get almost 9% of votes for Berlin’s city assembly and thus gained a couple of seats in parliament. Meanwhile, within the last year its membership has doubled to overpass 21,600 members. As for today, the party has their bottoms on seats in two state parliaments.

The remarkable fact is that the Pirates managed to outshine both the Greens and Chancellor Angela Merkel's Free Democrat allies that crashed out of the assembly with only 1% percent. The regional head of the Pirate Party, 22-year-old Jasmin Maurer, told during the interview at the local TV that citizens voted for the party as it offered something new and fresh. In fact, the party members were ordinary people who engage citizens. The people are believed to vote for the Pirate Party because it is focused on more civil rights, transparency and democracy.

Now the political experts predict that the Pirate Party has a good chance of getting the 5% hurdle to also win seats in state assemblies in Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia in several months. The media notes as part of the Pirate’s appeal that it doesn’t kick the creative industry in the nadgers, but rather broadens their agenda to cover such issues as establishing a minimum wage and providing voters with the chance to make their voices heard.

An exit poll revealed that over 85% of the Pirate Party voters in Saarland chose the party out of disillusionment with the status quo. Actually, the Pirates voters seem to be refugees from all parties from the FDP to the left, who replace the Greens. Those appear to be losing touch with the younger electorate since their leaders are all in their fifties and part of the establishment.

In response, Chancellor Angela Merkel told in the interview that her party knew perfectly the Pirates were becoming a key player. She has also added that she had already set up an online group within the CDU. The situation makes many think that even if they don’t get elected, they will still have more clout than the creative industry lobbying.

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