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Thursday, November 24, 2011

RIAA Opposed Second-Hand Music Store

There’s a new service out there, which watermark reads “The world’s first online marketplace for used digital music”. The service is named ReDigi and it has already captured attention of the music industry. The media reports about how the Recording Industry Association of America scoped the new service, sending it a cease and desist letter.

This past October ReDigi had launched a beta version of its new service. Aside from the fact that it allows you to buy your favorite tracks over there, ReDigi has introduced a rather new feature – users are now able to sell songs that they are not interested anymore. By doing so, users receive credit points with which they are able to buy new tracks later. Many industry experts believe that is a great idea. Indeed, the service underlines at some point that everyone’s taste in music can change, and few could argue with that.

According to statistics, majority of people only listen to less than 1/5 of their music libraries. This means that the rest 4/5 represents a whole lot of music that takes up space on the users’ computers. Then why not sell the music people don’t listen to, like they do with old clothes, benefit from the credit the service offers and purchase new music?

The service issued a press release in October, explaining that music files eligible for resale will be removed from the user’s computer and all synced devices. After this, the files are stored in the site’s cloud, and offered for sale online. Once the music file is purchased, both the track and license are immediately transferred to the buyer. Although the music industry expressed its discontent about the very idea of the activity that doesn’t bring it profit, the new service isn’t going to give up. ReDigi replied to the RIAA’s letter by saying that the service is not afraid of something like this. In fact, the activity of the service falls under the “first sale” principles stating that a legitimately purchased CD can be sold without restrictions. The question is whether this can be applied to digital downloading.

Actually, the Recording Industry Association of America doesn’t fancy the fact that the new service is making copies of tracks that they are trying to sell without having the required licenses. In addition, the industry also blames the website for using copyrighted album art.

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