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Friday, November 18, 2011

Spotify Adopted P2P

Currently the main problem of a lot of music streaming services is centered on speed. Considering the fact that the demand is currently exponentially growing, streaming service has announced that they have found a way to stream the content faster through P2P technology.

John Pavley, vice-president of engineering for Spotify, explained that they are looking for ways to deliver the content super-fast. This streaming service is present in Europe for more than 3 years. This past summer it was allowed to run in the United States. Spotify differs from other music streaming services by reducing the friction for users trying to stream the content, being impossibly fast.

This service aims to attract an impressive user-database and later offer them monthly paid services for mobile phones and other electronic devices. Meanwhile, its main target is the peer-to-peer community all over the globe, which is already downloading music for free through BitTorrent networks. This is a very interesting and bold objective that can help develop the music industry.

The trouble with the environment for Spotify is that the unauthorized alternatives are better than the legal ones, including speed. The company has stressed the fact that the service was running a service complying with both the creators’ and users’ needs, providing people access to everything worldwide immediately. It is expected that such distinctions between ownership and access will soon disappear.

The service chose to embed P2P into his core application because it is better to search for copies of the track in any place instead of downloading a single file from its own server. The sources will now include the computers of the service users, which will definitely increase the speed. Meanwhile, Spotify users cannot interact with the peer-to-peer network, which remained just a little facility for moving things along more quickly.

At the same time, Spotify has also signed licensing deals with the largest record labels. In addition, it is planning to cooperate with Facebook. Everything is getting closer to original Napster feeling.

With a user-base accounting for more than 2 million people all over the world, Spotify will have to significantly increase this number in case it is going to profit from such deals. This, meanwhile, doesn’t come cheap for the labels.

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